Potty Training Progam

Potty Training Program

One of the major milestones of early childhood is using the toilet.
It’s a critical life skill necessary for independent living.
For children with autism, toileting acquisition (potty training) may be delayed, and in some cases never achieved.

A wide range of issues can contribute to the difficulties a child with autism can have in grasping potty training, including:

These and other characteristics associated with the autism spectrum can all play a role. Essentially, the underlying cause of potty training issues will depend on the child.

ABA therapy is one of several toilet training techniques for children with autism that research has shown to be extremely effective.

How Does ABA Therapy Teach Potty Training?

ABA therapy teaches potty training in a way specific to your child based on their needs and skills

Since there are a variety of techniques, a trained BCBA will help identify which methods will likely be the most appropriate and effective for your child based on the skills your child already posseses.

For example, some children with autism must be taught to first tolerate sitting on a toilet before a toileting procedure can start. Others may use the toilet when instructed but will not initiate. Sometimes, a child will urinate in the toilet but not have a bowel movement.

Individualized Potty-Training Plan

We individualize the potty training based on your child’s unique skillset. There’s no “one-size-fits-all” potty training technique or magic method that we use for all children.

Our therapists are super nice, super patient, and super experienced in potty training. We have a great track record of potty training success and can do the same for your child.